“the determination of function is…necessary for the complete explanation of the phenomena”
-Talcott Parsons
É interessante essa visão funcionalista da fenomenologia, que junto com uma classificação dos atores sociais é o que sei sobre o assunto no momento. Os fenômenos são vistos nesse viés não pelo lado filosófico, mas do lado sociológico, relacional, contando tanto os atributos manifestos da função quanto suas funções latentes.
Eis as atitudes com que se confronta o ator social:
*Conformity occurs when an individual has the means and desire to achieve the cultural goals socialised into him.
*Innovation occurs when an individual strives to attain the accepted cultural goals but chooses to do so in novel or unaccepted method.
*Ritualism occurs when an individual continues to do things as proscribed by society but forfeits the achievement of the goals.
*Retreatism is the rejection of both the means and the goals of society.
*Rebellion is a combination of the rejection of societal goals and means and a substitution of other goals and means.
E mais:
A social function is "the contribution made by any phenomenon to a larger system of which the phenomenon is a part." (Hoult 1969: 139) This technical usage is not the same as the popular idea of a function as an "event/occasion" or a duty, responsibility, or occupation. A distinction, first made by Robert K. Merton, is made between manifest and latent functions (Marshall 1994: 190-1) and also between functions with positive (functional or positively functional) and negative (dysfunctional) effects (Hoult 1969: 139). "Any statement explaining an institution as being 'functional or 'dysfunctional' for men [sic] could readily be translated with no loss of meaning into one that said it was 'rewarding' or 'punishing.'" (Homans 1962:33-4)
Functional alternative (also functional equivalent or functional substitute) indicates that, "just as the same item may have multiple functions, so may the same function be diversely fulfilled by alternative items." (Merton 1957: 33-4) The concept may serve as an antidote to "the gratuitous assumption of the functional indispensability of particular social structures." (ibid: 52)
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