Em 1982, John Nasbit lança seu mega influenciante livro chamado Megatrends, coisa de futurólogo, e que talvez em uma cadeia de profecia auto-realizante pela influência que o conceito e o marketing obtiveram, acertou em praticamente todas as previsões, baseadas em algo que à época soava estranho, mas que hoje se ouve falar em rodinhas de "retardados" querendo dar uma de sabichões...-"Ah, é a Economia da Informação", "Gestão da Informação", "A Velocidade aumentou em X vezes na última década", "Idade do Petabyte" e essas outras coisas. Pois é, Nasbit falava isso pro grande público em 1982, antes do PC. Claro que já existia uma galerinha lá em Stanford, Berkeley, até no MIT, apesar do foco diferente, mexendo com silício pra diminuir os brutamontes barulhentos com seus transistores de válvula. Jim Clark já estava fundando a Silicon Graphics, que revolucionou a computação gráfica em 3D, neste mesmo ano. 3D com binários!
É, Nasbit era um homem de "marquetim", provavelmente, e lançou moda. E eis que surge um novo livro, Megatrends 2010, de uma pensadora da nova era unindo espiritualidade, moral, ecologia e capitalismo, quando a economia vai se redescobrindo em novas ordens com mais velocidade e sutileza na meditação do caos.
É meio esotérico, mas quem é iniciado no assunto irá dar umas mugidas.
Megatrends 2010: The New List
Here is my new list of megatrends, each of which serves as one of this book’s chapters.
The Power of Spirituality. In turbulent times, we look within; 78 percent seek more Spirit. Meditation and yoga soar. Divine Presence spills into business. “Spiritual” CEOs as well as senior executives from Redken and Hewlett-Packard (HP) transform their companies.
The Dawn of Conscious Capitalism. Top companies and leading CEOs are re-inventing free enterprise to honor stakeholders and shareholders. Will it make the world a better place? Yes. Will it earn more money? That’s the surprising part: Study after study shows the corporate good guys rack up great profits.
Leading from the Middle. The charismatic, overpaid CEO is fading fast. Experts now say “ordinary” managers, like HP’s Barbara Waugh, forge lasting change. How do they do it? Values, influence, moral authority.
Spirituality in Business is springing up all over. Half speak of faith at work. Eileen Fisher, Medtronic win “Spirit at Work” awards. Ford, Intel and other firms sponsor employee-based religious networks. Each month San Francisco’s Chamber of Commerce sponsors a “spiritual” brown bag lunch.
The Values-Driven Consumer. Conscious Consumers, who’ve fled the mass market, are a multi-billion-dollar “niche.” Whether buying hybrid cars, green building supplies or organic food, they vote with their values. So, brands that embody positive values will attract them.
The Wave of Conscious Solutions. Coming to a firm near you: Vision Quest. Meditation. Forgiveness Training. HeartMath. They sound touchy-feely, but conscious business pioneers are tracking results that will blow your socks off.
The Socially Responsible Investment Boom. Today’s stock portfolios are green in more ways than one. Where should you invest? This chapter charts the “social” investment trend and helps you weigh your options.
In this book’s conclusion, The Spiritual Transformation of Capitalism, we explore the underlying values of capitalism. I shall attempt to dispel what I believe is the absurd notion that free enterprise is rooted in greed. Conscious Capitalism isn’t altruism, either; it relies instead on the wisdom of enlightened self-interest.
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