terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2008

Iannis Xenakis

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) is a Greek composer of significant influence. Xenakis trained with one of the premier composers of electronic music, Edgar Varese. However, before his fateful encounter with Varese, Xenakis studied primarily under French composers Honegger, Milhaud, and Messiaen. His relationship with Messiaen, in particular, helped the student Xenakis explore his own forms of music, stemming from his Greek past and his profession as an architect. In his personal biography, Xenakis was injured in WWII--resulting in macabre facial scarring and the loss of one eye. Later, he became a Greek nationalist, leading to a death sentence from his British-occupied homeland.


Não é ainda que estudoa língua grega, mas esse arquiteto do escritório de Le Corbusier, Xenakis, foi um dos pioneiros em música eletrônica e faz uma música maneiríssima, ainda mais se tratando de matematizar a composição estocasticamente! Já estou baixando uns torrents com a obra. É intensa e chaóstica, me lembrou a música das esferas de que Johannes Kepler tanto falava.

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